Monday, September 22, 2008

Level 2: Day 1

I went to my first level 2 class today. It was definitely more intense, and holds to a higher level of physical fitness that level 1.

I'm back to "I'm going to PUKE" during work outs. That hasn't happened in level 1 in ages.

There's also not as many people. There were only 6 of us, so it's a lot harder to fudge when you start getting tired. When there's a lot of people you can slow down a little and no one notices. When there's only six of you the instructor is far more likely to sneak up behind you and yell "Are you tired?" and then hit you with a pad.

That might have possibly have happened to me a couple of times.

I got to learn some neat new moves though!! We did a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu arm grab that included the phrase "Then you wrap your leg around his head."

I'm sore, but it was a good class.


W.W. said...

Congradulations!!! Keep pushing yourself!!!

corbeau said...

Thanks!! Fighting with guys is hard.

W.W. said...

Yes, but we know that you like it. Excellant!!

tiff said...

So are you the only girl in the class now?

Leg around the so rock!