Saturday, September 20, 2008

Jump Rope Awesomeness

I just discovered this Friday, and I find it fascinating.

This is Tori Boggs of West Virginia, and she is insane.

That's the freestyle, and her is an example of what the speed competition looks like:

Look at their wrists!! That is just amazing to me!

I had no idea that jump roping could be so freaking cool. I mean the athletisicm for this stuff is amazing.

Here's Team USA All Stars. I'd skip to about 1:40


Nanette said...

So, are you going to try it? You have a new knee and all. . . ;)

corbeau said...

No, I have a new knee but it is SLoooooowwwwww.

I'd kill myself trying some of those stunts.

They're awfully fun to watch though.