Thursday, May 24, 2007

Fun with Literature

More goodness from metafilter.

Here's a website with a program called The Amazing Dostoevsky Machine.

It lets you change the names in Crime and Punishment from long complex Russian names to something slightly more easier to understand.

For example, in my version the main character, Rodion Romanovitch Raskolnikov, is now called Trevor O'Reilly.

You rename all the characters, than click the Submit Query button and it will take you to a list of characters with their old and new names.

Click again to see the entire text of Crime and Punishment with the new names.

Personally, I think it's much easier to follow the feverish ravings of Trevor O'Reilly and his friendship with Betty, the Russion prostitute with a Heart of Gold.

And now I can't help but quote the 5 minute Illiad version of Crime and Punishment:

"Napolean would have done it!"

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