Thursday, May 17, 2007

American Idol


Curse You Tweeners!!! CURSE YOU!!!!

Man, now I don't even care who wins. Good bye Mindy Doo. You were always my favorite. I hope you have an amazing career, and if you put out an album, I will totally buy it.



W.W. said...

Mindy Doo. Is this a reference to Scooby Doo?

corbeau said...

No, it's just short for Melinda Doolittle.

Anonymous said...

curse you people that vote on looks and not substance. i'm so freakin' bummed. i'm so not wanting to watch the finale. all i can say is i hope she sells more records than the other 2. =(

why?????!!!!!!!!! why doesn't the best win on this stupid show. aaarrrggghhh! i need a huge bag of almond m&m's.