Thursday, June 14, 2007

SYTYCD: Partners

Tonight was the first night that the top 20 danced in their designated couples.

With this many dancers, it's hard to pick favorites or even remember everybody's names, so I'll cover the choreographers first.

Shane Sparks: I like him. I think he's a really good guy, and he got to choreograph two dance tonight.

Mia Michaels: I love Mia! Wait, is that a mullet? When did she grow a mullet? Has it always been there and I never noticed? No, Mia NO!! Why??!! It looks awful. Truly it does.

Wade Robson: I LOVED his pop routine. The dancers were a little rough, but it was still freaking awesome.

UPDATE: Here is Sara and Jesus performing Wade's dance:

As for the individual dancers:

I think my favorite right now is Hok and Jamie. I thought they were entertaining and I loved Jamie's attitude during the hip hop routine.

UPDATE: Here's video of their dance:

The She-Benji actually did very well in her dance. Dang it. Are we going to be subjected to her cheeseball brother hamming it up for the camera during every audience shot?

Because that will be truly awful. Thank heavens for DVR.

My favorite individual dancer is Pasha. He's such a cutey. The slow waltz was beautiful, and I have to agree with Crazy Mary. Who wouldn't want to wear a flowy white gown and dance in the arms of a hot Russian?

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