Friday, August 08, 2008

Cool New Music Site

So, my random last minute job for today was to find contemporary Moroccan music to accompany the presentation that we are making for a new hotel in Marrakech on Tuesday. My bosses are flying to Paris tomorrow to interview, so we're rushing through all the last minute details to get them out the door. In my quest for authentic Moroccan music, I found this totally awesome website. It basically allows you to search for music by any region and country, including some dude from Morocco named Driss El Maloumi who plays the oud (pronounced ooood, like food without the "f").

Anyway, check it out.

This is the dude with the oud:

1 comment:

corbeau said...

Ha! Dude with the oud. That's awesome.

Dude with the oud has an EVIL goatee.