Friday, August 15, 2008

Restaurant Week: The Continuation

Sorry this is tardy, all these late nights are starting to get to me.

Wednesday we went to B. Smith's, which offers Southern food. It's located inside of Union Station, and this was the first time I had been inside. It was beautiful, the architecture reminded me a lot of the Library of Congress. Very ornate.

I got fried green tomatoes, the fried catfish which was really good. It had a honey-mustard sauce instead of tartar sauce, and it came with collard greens and mac and cheese.

For dessert there was a bread pudding that was okay. Not my favorite southern place, but it was pretty good. The fish was my favorite.

Thursday was my day off from restaurant week. I went to Krav to try and burn off some of the calories. We worked on elbows, and my partner was a large guy who refused to move back unless I pushed him really hard.

So the instructor was all "Use your body weight!" and I was slamming my elbows into his pad really hard over and over and over again until today, I have purple elbows.

Bruised elbows hurt alot more than you think they would. It's just a really odd place to be bruised.

Today we went to Bobby Van's, a very swank steakhouse. The kind of place where nice girls don't flash their purple elbows, so I had to find a nice, long sleeved shirt to wear.

I had gazpacho, which they made with avacado, filet mignon with smoky mashed potatoes and haricot vert (green beans) and topped it off with chocolate raspberry cake.

Our waitress served the dessert, and when she came back, the cake was gone and the plates were cleared, and my friends were eating the last of their cheesecake.

She was like, wow. I could bring you something else if you guys didn't really care for those.

Our waitress was funny.

1 comment:

tiff said...

Sorry about your elbows...

Restaurant Week sounds fun; I like food too. Especially different food. It's a desperate day when I whip out a box of mac and cheese. (And I mean REALLY desperate.)

And I'm proud to see you are using a little of your french still, naming green beans and such.....
Tu es tres.....uh, smart.