Monday, July 23, 2007

Drabble: Harry Potter edition

Today's 100 words writing prompt was
"In the spirit of the occasion: How would you get into (or stay out of) trouble at Hogwarts?"

I thought this was a fun idea and decided to write something up.

The Triumph of Slytherin

The test was rigged. I knew from the start that we’d been set up to fail, but there were ways around that.

I flicked dirt off my Slytherin badge and gathered my grumbling team.

I pulled out a piece of parchment and tapped it with my wand. Hartford had stolen it from the exam proctor and by activating the mirroring spell, I’d have the guide for the entire course.

I looked down as elegant writing began scrolling across the parchment.
Hartford and I smiled at each other.

“Let’s kick some Gryffindor trash.”
Following our map, we raced through the test.

Here's the background on my story.

1. Many years ago (I believe somewhere around HP:3) I went to visit my sister and her kids, who were all very excited because they found the sorting hat quiz on the Harry Potter movie website.
My various neices and nephews had all taken it and been sorted (Split evenly between HufflePuff and Gryffindor) and they wanted to see where I'd end up.
I took the test and to their great delight I was sorted into Slytherin. I was annoyed because they were all laughing at me, and because I wanted to be in Ravenclaw. So I took it again, changing my answers to be more Ravenclawey.(It's a word. I just invented it.)
Again I ended up in Slytherin. At this point my sister pointed out that since I had tried to cheat the test to get what I wanted, Slytherin was probably the right house for me. Her logic was sound, so I have accepted my snakey fate. Besides, I look good in green and silver.

2. It's based on a true story. I was at a Navy school and dominating my class. The instructors thought it would be amusing to see how I would handle various "handicaps" to the final exam simulations. At one point I had to threaten appealing for an academic review (It really did get bad) and by the end all I cared about was beating them at their own game. The real story can't be told in 100 words or less, but it was pretty hilarious, and ended with me being chased through the school by one extremely angry instructor.

So there's your lesson kids. If you cheat use resources that were never technically forbidden to you, you could find yourself running through the halls, laughing your head off, while being chased by an angry man wielding a makeshift club.

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