Thursday, July 19, 2007

On Copiers and Macaroni

They say that a watched pot never boils, but does the same apply to copiers. Does a watched copier always jam? Run out of paper? Wait for you to leave and the flash the error light? Evil Copier.

And why on earth does the Color Cannon smell like boiling macaroni in the first place? Am I really hungry enough that the smell of ink and burning gears is being translated as pasta in my brain?

I pondered on these thoughts as I fixed the jams and restocked the paper.

But it wasn't until I walked down the hall and reached the kitchen that I realized someone was making Top Ramen and that's what started all this boiling philosophy in the first place.

Beef Flavor by the smell of it. I used to live on that stuff in my wild undergrad days.

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