Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Ninja Report: Caught in the inky blackness of a sweltering day

7:30: Catch train

7:45: Stop at airport. Warned of delays due to sick passenger.

8:00: Still at airport. Train evacuated.

8:15: Manage to battle my way through the thronging hordes AND secure a seat on the first train to make it through on the alternate track.

I hope y'all appreciate just how big of an accomplishment that is. Some of those suits wield a mean briefcase.

11:00: Things are going well despite my late start. I'm just doing normal ninja-office things, setting traps around my stapler, doing battle with the copier demon, the usual, when suddenly, all the lights go out.

11:01: Everyone sits stunned for a moment, waiting for the lights to come back on. The computers and printers are still working. The lights don't come back on.

11:02: The dark wizard from IT runs through the hall, yelling, "Log out! Log out! Log out! For the love of Confuscious shut down before the Server goes!!!"

11:02:10: I'm logged out. Because I am that good.

11:10: Scouting report confirms that some rooms have lights and power, some rooms have no light and no power, some rooms have power but no light. For reasons no one can fathom, one of the microwaves is working, but the one right next to it is not.

Casualty: The fridge. This inspires an impromptu ice cream party.

11:20: Scout reports that the phones have a three hour battery. The elevators are currently working, but an office pool has already started for when they'll die out. People start taking the stairs.

11:25: I discover that while the phone is working, the caller ID is a bit difficult to read in the dark. This prompts some fun banter between myself and fellow office ninjas until we realize that when the lights went, they took the AC with them.

11:40: Early lunch. The kitchen still has light and AC. However, the coffee machines have joined the list of casualities. There is much weeping and wailing.

1:00: Wander back to station. Begin reading by candlelight. Those who still have AC discuss the possiblity of roaming sweaty hordes crashing their offices.

2:00: The phones die. Ninja buddy and I discuss the feasability of placing an order with the pizza place across the street through semaphore.

3:00: Power is restored. The sweet, sweet breeze of cooled air pours from the ceiling like the breath of heaven.


Kristen said...

i wish i was a ninja. could I be a stay-at-home ninja? it just doesn't feel right....

Anonymous said...

taking the train seems to be like playing a tame version of russian roulette. =P having tried to keep up with said ninja, i can just picture her weaving and elbowing with grim determination from one track to the other. i'm guessing there were unsuspecting suit casualities in her wake. =P

corbeau said...

Well, I'm a ninja so all my casualities are unsuspecting. :)
Plus, I still have only gotten caught in the doors once. So bring on the aggressive commuting! I'm a metro ninja.