Thursday, September 20, 2007

Civics Quiz

I got this from a friend at work. We're constantly arguing over politics, so he challenged me to take it.

It's a beast of a civics quiz. I scored 46 out of 60, which is 76%.

This is actually better than Harvard seniors, who averaged 69%, so I've got that going for me. Yeah UTAH STATE!!

So, how well do you know our political system?

Here's the quiz.

I have major issues with a couple of the questions though, and if I had this in a college course I'd be outside the prof's door to complain.

My rant would probably start with "We're a Constitutional Republic DANG IT!!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, even though its been a few umm....years I got a 70% on it. Still know my stuff. =P By the way TA, thank you. so very much. Poppi's my new best friend. "I will hold him and cuddle him and name him George." =)