Friday, September 14, 2007

Operation: Little Black Dress is a go

Highlights from the Mission:

1. The thermostat in Macy's Women's Wear Deptarment has been set to "Penguin."

2. Successfully resisted tempation to chuck it all and just go to Borders.

3. Found LBDs at Filene's Basement. Unfortunately, I need a dress that features sleeves, a back, and a slightly less plunging neckline.

I'm doomed.


Anonymous said...

i'm jealous. i want a LBD. i look in the dress area when at a "clothes" place and there's absoulutely nothing. its either grandma style or umm....too revealing for me style. in fact all i have are skirts. no dresses. whats wrong with fashion designers? don't they know the only chics that can wear that stuff are the pole-like models on the runway? they need a dunking in real world america

corbeau said...

I still had to get a chemise to wear under it, but other than that it's cute. We found it at TJ Max of all places.