Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Heroes: Total Weirdness

So total weirdness this week.

Heroes was actually...okay. Parts of it were even...enjoyable. I'm not sure I know how to react to this strange new development.

Ando Lives!! Hiro actually used his powers with some intelligence to fake Ando's death.

In fact, my favorite part of the show this week had to be when Hiro was trying to outwit a guy who can see the future by manipulating time. It ended with Hiro getting some sense smashed into him with a shovel. Let's hope it sticks. Stupid Hiro is sooo annoying.

Not-Nikki actually used her powers to get away from Mohinder-spider. Amazing I know!! That's two intelligent uses of powers in one episode! You know, the Nikki-clones have always been the smart ones of the series. She busted herself and Nate out of there, and judging by the previews for next week, calls the cops on He-lob.

Claire, Mom, and Not-Mom were all captured by creepy Puppet Guy, but then Claire managed to rescue them after a tense round of Russian roulette. Claire seems to have finally learned her lesson. After finally freeing herself from the Puppet Guy's control, she resisted the urge to monologue and just hit him in the head with a chair.

You go Claire!

Boring Psychic Parkman showed up at the airport with his turtle, and told Speedster girl that he saw the future, and they were married, and had a kid, and he loves her, and he's here to rescue you!

Creepy=Very Yes. I don't care how true it is, some things you should just keep to yourself.

Let's see. Sylar wakes up Peter so they can save Mom, but Peter can do it by HIMSELF thank you very much and storms off in a world class tanty (thanks Pushing Daisies! I love that phrase)

Big Bad Pappa Petrelli absorbs people's powers by touching them. Like Rogue, but without any of the negative effects. He drains Adam to dust (literally) so he's all healed up. He then takes all of Angry Peter's powers with a hug. Silly stupid Peter.

So now we have two uber duper super powered people walking around the Heroes universe. You know Heroes writers, super powers are cool and all, but it's the weaknesses that make the characters interesting.

Of course, now only Sylar can take on Dad, thus cementing his flip from bad guy to misunderstood good guy.

I wonder if they're going to drag that out all season long. We can all see it from here Heroes. You're not fooling anybody.

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