Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Hot Chocolate

I love the fall, except for the fact that it's now cold and dark when I get up in the morning. Once we get to full on winter, the sun won't rise until almost my second hour of work.

So occasionally I like to reward myself for making it out of bed by getting a hot chocolate for the road.

I usually get Starbucks, with their rich blend of cocoa and steamed whole milk. Hmmm, it's good stuff.

Today, they had something new. "Salted Caramel Chocolate" Wow, I thought to myself, that sounds disgusting. I must try it.

It was surprisingly delicious. The caramel had the slightly burned, slightly bitter taste of the goo you get with flan. So it was rich without being overly sweet.

If you like caramel, it's definitely worth a try.

Also, I went to the movies with some friends from work, and saw Eagle Eye: The IMAX experience.

It was better than I thought it would be. And even when he's 20 feet tall, Shia Leboef is still the kid from Holes.

Although the beard helps. A little.


Nanette said...

ooh! That sounds yummy!
And, I've see billboards for that movie, and I had no idea that was little Stanley Yelnats! what dy'a know?

tiff said...

Yummy. Now I'm also inspired to visit Starbucks....