Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tuesday TV

My arms are sore, so this may be a little short.

In the Amazing Race the racers went to Cambodia,which they are pretty sure is in Asia. This didn't stop them from trying to communicate in Spanish. I love our little dunderheads.

They got to go to a village built entirely on water, including an enormous floating basketball court. Then they went to Angur Wat, the largest religious complex in the world. It looked amazing.

Aja and Ty got eliminated, as we knew they would be. They're plane was so far behind, they never had a chance. Although the producers tried to use sneaky editing to make it look more suspenseful.


Future Painter wants Hiro to go back into the Past and fix everything. Hiro says no, because last time he did that he spent forever on some boring story in feudal Japan and the ratings tanked. So Painter dude drugs him and sends him on a "vision quest" so he'll finally wise up.

Elle (lightening girl) makes her way to Claire's house and we learn that, like the Witch of the West, Elle doesn't fare so well against a bucket of water. Turns out that something short-circuited during her battle with Sylar, and now Elle can't turn her powers off.

So Elle and Claire head to Bad Guys Inc, where they heard they can get help.

Mama Petrelli wakes Sylar up and sends him after Peter. Sylar saves Peter, in the best moment of the night, and then just as it was getting good, has yet ANOTHER 180 turn around, and is back to being a villain.

Seriously, I feel like Sylar's constant change of heart is a solid basis for either a drinking game, or tv bingo. It passed the point of ridiculousness ages ago.

Sylar throws Peter out a window, and Peter lands in front of Elle and Claire. Claire helps Peter escape, and Elle joins the bad guys anyway, because anything is better than being a walking static ball.

Not-Nicki and Nate decided to talk to Mohinder, even though this never works out. Mohinder-spider grabs Miya, and heads off to Bad Guys Inc. where Papa Petrelli takes all of weepy girl's powers, and sends her back to whatever South American country she originally came from. ( I forget) Papa P also kills off Parkman's evil psychic Dad, so that's two irritating characters down in one episode.

Speedster joins up with Boring Parkman, whose amazing psychic abilities can't seem to ferret out that she's actually acting on orders as a double agent. Even when she's having said evil phone call 5 FREAKING FEET AWAY from his stupid psychic brain.

I hate you Parkman. So. .. MUCH... even Jean Grey was never this naive.

So the teams as we fade to black:

Good Guys:
Powerless Peter
Flame Lady
Mama Petrelli

Bad Guys:
Papa Petrelli
Fear Man
Blue Flamey Guy
Speedster Girl

Doing who knows what:
Future Painter Guy

People who've mysteriously dropped off the face of the planet:
Nate's wife
Nate's kids

People who were left in the future and then never heard from again, thus leading us to assume that they're still in the future, causing a massive snarl in the space-time continuum that will eventually result in a paradox that will destroy the universe:
Peter's Irish girlfriend from last season

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