Friday, November 16, 2007


My fellow ninjas bought me a CSI t-shirt, and then it went around the office and everyone signed it and marked it with their thumbprint.

How cute is that?

Also, we had a vendor lunch today with all the office ninjas. I was the first one in (since I'm not doing a whole lot today) and the vendor says "So how do you like working here."
and I reply "It's great! This office is awesome."
And he says "You can be honest with us."
and I said, "I am. It's my last day!"
He laughed until he realized I was being serious, as I gathered my free lunch and made myself comfortable for a presentation on stuff I will never ever use.

The best part though, was as all the other ninjas came in, the vendor lunch started morphing into a "Corbeau farewell party."

The vendors looked annoyed, but we calmed down eventually, and listened politely. Those first few minutes were a lot of fun though.


Nanette said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! wooo hooo!

Kristen said...

it's so awesome! I can hardly stand it. happy last day at work! what a cool goodybe gift they gave you.

W.W. said...

Ready for the real world?