Thursday, November 29, 2007

Nan's Challenge

What could be more geeky than Vasser Quidditch players?

How about Czech Live Action Role Players (LARPers)?

Or their American Cousins?

Lightening Bolt!!

Or there's always the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA)

I actually participated in the SCA while at USU. That armor is heavier than crap. Which is just one of the reasons why I became a ninja instead of a crusader.


W.W. said...

These are Geeks. I think you need to paint your models some.

corbeau said...

They're all packed.

Nanette said...

Wow. I'm impressed. I live a very sheltered life. I had no idea such bizarre world's existed. The American version is worse because I can understand what they're saying.
Well done, Ninja!

corbeau said...

The SCA was actually pretty fun. They used to have feasts, and we would have these massive rapier battles (much lighter armor). So you could sword fight while running around trees and throwing dirt clods at each other.

All the fun stuff you can't do with straight Olympic style fencing.